8pm – 10pm     Deep Sky observing

The moon will not be visible during this observing session, neither will any major planets. Some brighter deep-sky objects that may be observed are:

Open Clusters
M46 and M47 in Puppis: These clusters are very close together in the sky, but appear quite different. As an added bonus, M46 has a small planetary nebula, NGC 2438, superimposed in front of it. The nebula might be visible in the 16″ or 20″ telescopes.
M35 in Gemini: There is another open cluster in the same field of view, NGC 2518.

Planetary Nebula
NGC 2392 in Gemini: The “Eskimo Nebula”

M65 and M66 in Leo: Galaxies in general have a low surface brightness and can be somewhat challenging to observe from Middletown, because of light pollution. Nevertheless, they could be visible.
M64 in Coma Berenices: The “Blackeye Galaxy”.

Globular Clusters
M3 in Canes Venatici
M53 in Coma Berenices

Double and Multiple Stars
Castor: Bright double star
Beta Monocerotis: Triple star
Gamma Leonis: Double star