Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is appointed by the President at least two months prior to the Annual Meeting (election of officers). Its duties are to nominate a slate of officers at the meeting prior to the annual meeting.
Program Committee
Chairperson: Chris Markiewicz
The Program Committee is appointed by the President. Its duties shall be to plan in advance an educational and entertaining variety of programs and speakers for meetings of the organization, including field trips.
Outreach Committee
Chairperson: Chris Markiewicz
A committee to receive requests for outreach, determine feasibility, notify members for assistance and communicate to requesters in a timely fashion. The committee chairperson will report to the ASGH member body at monthly meetings.
Van Vleck 20 Inch Refractor & Public Observing Committee
Chairperson: John Sillasen
The purpose of this committee is to provide aid and assistance to the Astronomy Department of Wesleyan University in maintaining and operating the 20 inch Van Vleck Refractor in its new role as an historic artifact and educational tool for the general public. It is planned that members of the ASGH Refractor Committee are to aid and assist in public observing sessions in cooperation with the Astronomy Department and to assist the Astronomy Department in its efforts to provide education and enlightenment to the general public. In return for our assistance to the Astronomy Department, the refractor is also to be used by qualified members of the ASGH for personal observing.
The 20 Inch Van Vleck Refractor has largely terminated its research functions and has been restored to full working order through funds provided by the Walter Scott Houston Memorial Fund. This memorial fund is intended to perpetuate the memory of Walter Scott Houston through the educational public activities of the 20 Inch Refractor and associated observatory facilities. Our liaison is with the Wesleyan University Astronomy Department. Members of the Refractor Committee will be kept informed via e-mail of meetings dates and all significant events as they transpire.
Astronomer of the Year Committee
Chairperson: The past year’s recipient
Represented by the current recipient of ASGH’s Astronomer of the Year and other past years recipients this committee seeks to nominate and bestow the annual honor of the Astronomer of the Year on the new recipient each year at StarConn.
Membership Committee
Chairperson: David Allen
A committee that actively solicits new members by maintaining and distributing brochures and communications during meetings, events of the organization and messaging on the website. The committee follows up on new members and sends a Welcome Package consisting of information appropriate for a new member.
Star Party Committee
Chairperson: Ralph Concepcion
A committee that organizes Star Parties at viewing sites accessible to ASGH members throughout the year. Responsibilities include date and viewing site selection, logistical planning (food and facilities,if necessary), and posting announcements to the ASGH membership.