Astronomical Society of Greater Hartford
Online Business Meeting Minutes
Date: May 15, 2024
The May 15, 2024 meeting of the Astronomical Society of Greater Hartford was called to order over Zoom at 7:36 PM by President Markiewicz. There were 14 members in attendance and 2 guests who were our featured speakers.
Tonight is one of our most anticipated meetings of the year. The recipients of the Charles A. Hammond Award for excellence in Astronomy (or astronomy related field) has been selected and the recipients have agreed to speak at our final meeting of our fiscal year, tonight. These awards, are awarded (by this club) each year to honor and remember our late founder and friend who through his own endeavors inspired all who knew him to be excited about the sky and to strive toward excellence in all aspects of astronomical inquiry.
This year our selection team at the Connecticut Science Fair, Scott Tracy & Bill DeNio, found 5 potential candidates. They did narrow the field down to 1 Senior award and 1 Junior category award recipients. Thomas Armstrong is a Junior in High School & Dylan Karpf is in 7th grade.
Senior: Thomas Armstrong – The Brunswick School, Greenwich CT
“Inertial Movement Control System: Use of reaction wheels in an in-flight steering system for rockets.”
Middle School: Dylan Karpf – Green Farms Academy, Westport CT
“Radiation shielding for plant growth for Mars exploration”
The presentations were of very high quality and invoked several thought provoking questions. They were very well received. The selection team did an excellent job!
New Members:
No new members were in attendance tonight.
Secretary’s Report:
The Secretary’s report was approved as post to the ASGH website.
Nominating Committee:
J. Sillasen, Nominations chair reports that each officer is willing to again run for their perspective offices for one last year! He stated that nominations for office were still open and hearing no new nominations from the floor, asked that a motion be made to close the nominations. Motion made, seconded and approved by common accolade.
He then asked President Markiewicz to ask Secretary Sillasen to cast a single vote for all officers as they were running unopposed. So asked and replied by Sillasen, So Cast.
President Markiewicz then noted the ballot has been cast and officers assume their office immediately according to the ASGH by laws.
Members – please keep this in mind – especially our younger members. Please reach out to the officers to learn about the role. If there are no new officers we could entertain a motion to dissolve the organization. Hint. Hint – speak up please.
We need new blood to keep this organization the outreach focused program our charter demands. Please consider the available options. Secretary John Sillasen made a passionate plea for members to reach out to each of the officers to learn about their function. He stated that the current and prior officers had been in office many years and in the case of Secretary Sillasen, had been the Secretary before back in 2003, having taken over the role again when the previous Secretary, member and friend, Al Johnson, Jr., had difficulties fulfilling the role and asked to step down. J. Sillasen stood up and asked to fulfil his obligations throughout Al’s current term. He then ran for office for each year since like any other member would. He also noted the past president had wished to instill term limits and as such should not run. Sillasen received some love from the membership in attendance, notably from, G. Shanos by telling him how much he enjoyed reading his minutes in hopes he would remain in office. Sillasen replied by thanking him for the appreciation & that he wished to provide the proper time to his other duties such as the Night Sky Network and of course the Van Vleck Observatory Public Outreach.
Public Observing at the Van Vleck Observatory:
J. Sillasen reports that the next public observing session at the Van Vleck Observatory will be on Saturday, May 25, 2024 – to be combined with the weekend of Commencement at Wesleyan University – as it always is and has been. Commencement always takes place on Memorial Day Weekend. This date for our combined public night and Commencement weekend comes as a direct request from the Van Vleck Observatory.
(Post Meeting Update – Sillasen has requested the parking lot be blocked off with more than tape or cones as people just ignore them and slide them out of the way and park in the O lot for the entire weekend. The person in charge of Public Safety and Parking has agreen to using barriers. They will be installed on Friday and it will be up to the staff and the volunteers to move them as they need.)
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer, Cynthia Barron was unable to attend and reported that in her haste to get the current balances in our accounts she managed to lock out her access. She did report that other than a check she has to send out for insurance for $250.00, the balances remain much the same. April’s balances are for reference: Checking account balance: $2627.86. Savings: $6332.53. There are currently, $25,000 in ASGH funds invested in Treasury Bills.
WebMasters Report:
J. Allen reports no issues have been reported. Web developer, Marty Olleneschleger reports he owes the club 3 past months issues of the Night Sky Network Monthly Article. Sillasen quipped that with the rash of poor weather we have been having, seeing what’s in the sky that was referenced by the monthly article may be a moot point.
Mansfield Elementary School System Summer School July 22-25 and July 29-August 1, 2024 Kindergarten through 4th Grade ~100. The summer school theme is “Space”. They are committed to offering programs that align with the theme and foster a sense of joy and exploration through play-based learning. They are interested in exploring a partnership with ASGH to contribute to their students’ educational experience. (Sec’y Sillasen – referred to us by LHAAC Secretary as it is far out of their catchment area.)
Town of Ellington Trails Committee – August 12, Time TBD: Perseid Meteor Shower viewing and stargazing
Town of Ellington Trails Committee – Stargazing some date in September/October 2024
Old Business:
New Business:
President Markiewicz has requested that the Rocky Hill Community Center give us a quote to reserve our room for next year’s meetings September 2024 to May 2025. Assuming we get the same rate of $45/night, the total cost should be 9x$45 = $405 plus any applicable taxes. I will verify the costs once I receive them and would like an approval vote at our May meeting.
Motion to approve such expenditure – So Moved by J. Sillasen and Seconded by A. Johnson. The membership and approved with no dissenting votes. Johnson also noted we needed to make an effort to get more members to the meetings in person.
The Plainville Library asked if we would be willing to show them some photos/videos our members took during totality. Could we use our consolidated April presentation for that purpose? Any modifications needed? Is everyone OK with having their names and faces publicly displayed?
Modifications are needed to remove children under the age of 18 without parental permission. Members minor children were all approved. Public members not approved will be removed. G. Shanos made the PowerPoint from member slides. J. Sillasen will do the editing, adding additional slides received after the April meeting that he could find.
Additional question – OK to use the same presentation on auto-play at Space Expo? No additional concerns noted.
Per last month’s discussion, Bill DeNio and Chris Markiewicz still need to produce and present a projected cost for a ‘stock’ of sets of accessories for future loaner telescope builds. This would include the following items to have on hand to save time and consolidate shipping costs:
Headlamps, National Audubon Society “Constellations” Book, Accessory Carrier Pack, ASGH Instruction Manual (needs to be printed, laminated, bound).
Cost yet unavailable at time of meeting. Tabled until September meeting.
Good of the Organization:
Check out for a list of observable objects/events in your area.
President Markiewicz notes we have no more talks on tap. Anyone willing to provide a talk should reach out to one of the officers. (Again, our Night Sky Network is a great resource for talks with slides already made up in PowerPoint format for a variety of topics. Sec’y Sillasen).
G. Shanos announced that he will be providing a talk at the ALPO Conference this year on research available with intelligent telescopes such as the SeeStar. ALPO, the Association for Lunar & Planetary Observers, will be holding its annual convention Friday and Saturday, July 25 & 26, 2024. Sec’y Sillasen asked if he would be willing to provide his talk at the Fall meeting. G. Shanos readily agreed but asked not to do so in September due to the fact that September is peak hurricane season and as a Florida resident, he is likely able to lose power. We hope he remains safe throughout the Fall and is able to speak at our regularly scheduled October or November meeting.
Motion to adjourn made and Seconded at 9:05 PM ET.
Chatter continued amongst the membership until 9:20 PM ET when Secretary Sillasen and Zoom operator reminded the membership the meeting adjourned and to please go home! They are already home of course. Good times.