Astronomical Society of Greater Hartford Online & In-Person Business Meeting Minutes
February 19, 2025
The February 19, 2025 meeting of the Astronomical Society of Greater Hartford was called to order over Zoom at 7:33 PM by President Markiewicz. There were 20 people in attendance and 1 was a guest, 8 people were in the community center and 12 were online.
Tonight’s speaker was Cristina Andrade. She is a post-baccalaureate research professional at the University of Minnesota’s Institute for Astrophysics, specializing in multi-messenger astronomy. Her talk, titled: “Kilonova Catcher: Kilonovas, Gravitational Waves, and You!” explores the exciting field of multi-messenger astronomy. Multi-Messenger Astronomy combines different cosmic “messengers” such as gravitational waves, light, neutrinos, and gamma rays to study astrophysical phenomena. You’ll learn about kilonova — explosions caused by the collision of neutron stars that produce heavy elements like gold — and how these events are linked to gravitational waves and short gamma-ray bursts. The talk highlighted the GRANDMA collaboration and its citizen science arm, Kilonova Catcher (KNC), which brings together professional and amateur astronomers to detect and study fast transients. Through shared resources, educational tools, and coordinated observations, KNC bridges community participation and cutting-edge science, enabling discoveries that deepen our understanding of the universe. So many detailed questions came from the members at the conclusion of her talk. This is a talk that we encourage you to see in replay.
The talk was recorded with her permission and is posted on the Astronomical Society of Greater Hartford’s YouTube channel with thanks to member William DeNio for formatting and posting.
A link to this talk is here: If you would like to slow the Playback Speed, you may do so by selecting Settings, (the gear wheel), Playback Speed and change it from 1.0 to 0.85x.
New Members:
There were no new members in attendance.
Secretary’s Report:
The Secretary’s report was post to the members section of the ASGH website. A motion to approve was made and seconded. The report was unanimously approved.
Night Sky Network:
As an active club on the NASA Night Sky Network, the ASGH has earned a 2025 Calendar and the downloadable, Celebrate our Marvelous Moon.
NASA Night Sky Network Coordinator for the ASGH J. Sillasen, requested print stock, mailing and packaging funds to mail out 2023 & 2024 NSN Award Certificates and Pins. W.J. Denio made a motion that up to $100.00 be allocated for the NASA NSN Coordinator, Sillasen to purchase mail and packaging to ship out the resources. The motion was seconded and approved by all in attendance.
Public Observing at the Van Vleck Observatory:
Like January, February’s date was canceled due to foul weather.
Sturm Memorial Lecture Announced:
The Annual Sturm Memorial Lecture has been post and will take place April 22nd at 8 PM at the Ring Family Performing Arts Center with Dr. Sheperd Doeleman. He will present “How to take a photo of a black hole.” The ASGH has always had a very healthy presence at the Sturm Memorial Lecture. We hope to see you at this one too!
Treasurer’s Report:
Cyndi Barron reports we have $6,087.79 in the checking account and $7082.36 in Savings. The check from Cosmic Cultures II came in which is shown in the increase in the checking account. C. Barron reports that the Annual Fee to the State of Connecticut was paid.
WebMasters Report:
Neither J. Allen or M. Ollenschleger were available for tonight’s meeting but reported there was nothing new to report this month.
CT Science Fair:
Each year in March, ASGH sends two or more members, Scott Tracy & Bill DeNio to evaluate Poster sessions and the science performed by both Junior groups/Middle School and Senior/High School students. This year, Tracy & DeNio will be there on March 15th. If there are suitable sciences in Astronomy, Astrophysics or a related field in Science or Physics, awards may then be made for a respective Junior and Senior class recipient. Monetary awards, a one year magazine subscription to either Astronomy or Sky & Telescope and a 1 year ASGH membership are awarded. Judge, William (Bill) DeNio notes that in today’s economy, a $150 Senior award and $75 Junior award are severely underfunded and motioned the awards be increased while ASGH has funding to support it, to $500 for Seniors and $300 for Junior award recipients. In the event there are ties in either or both divisions, the awards shall be halved. J. Sillasen seconded the motion and the motion was tabled for the March meeting as the amount exceeds the traditional amount where the membership needs notification.
Middlesex Land Trust – Palmer-Taylor Preserve, Contact is ASGH member DeanKavalkovich
Star Party. Rest room facilities will be available nearby.
Friday 1/31,2025, 6:00pm
ISS Downlink:
Rocky Hill Public Library C. Markiewicz
Event or talk related to the ISS
exact number TBD, K-12 students
Feb 18, 2025, 30-minute window prior to 11:00am or after 1:00pm
Space Expo 2025:
New England Air Museum C. Markiewicz, A. Johnson Jr., C. Barron & J. Benoit
Exhibit table, family group interactions
Saturday 4/26/2025, 9:00am – 3:00pm (setup/teardown 7:00am – 4:00pm)
Suffield Middle School:
Suffield, CT C. Markiewicz, C. Barron, L. Branco & J. Sillasen
Stargazing with middle school students, Spring 2025, date/time TBD.
Vernon Senior Center:
Vernon, CT. Need volunteer to lead talk related to astronomy this will probably be a discussion event. Date/time TBD
Old Wethersfield – Heirloom Market Spring Festival – Solar Outreach with SoVerA:
May 24, 2025 10 AM to 4 PM with Sunday May 25th as the Rain Date.
New Business:
Judge, William (Bill) DeNio notes that in today’s economy, a $150 Senior award and $75 Junior award are severely underfunded and motioned the awards be increased while ASGH has funding to support it, to $500 for Seniors and $300 for Junior award recipients. In the event there are ties in either or both divisions, the awards shall be halved. J. Sillasen seconded the motion and the motion was tabled for the March meeting as the amount exceeds the traditional amount where the membership needs notification. (Copied from above in CT Science Fair Report, Sec’y).
Old Business:
Library Telescope Loaner Program Update:
ASGH Purchased two of the last Orion Starblast table top Newtonian reflectors on Dobsonian mounts available on Amazon. Highpoint Scientific astronomy dealership in New Jersey, purchased all of the Orion, Meade & Coronado telescopes and supplies at auction. Highpoint has made a commitment to the Library Telescope Loaner Program but does not as of yet have a Starblast replacement. They have made a commitment to develop a telescope. Until then, an interim cost for a close match is available at $320.00.
Windsor Public Library purchased their own Loaner Telescope and has had such a successful program they are asking for a second telescope. As Outreach Coordinator and the fact that ASGH has already purchased two telescopes and with no outstanding requests, we agree with C. Markiewicz recommendation to provide Windsor their request that it would normally be his decision.
Good of the Organization:
Reminder to the membership – We are more than half-way through our 2024/2025 season. Officer elections will be held in April. The current officers (President, Vice President, Secretary & Webmaster) have given notice that we will be retiring from our positions at the end of this term. PLEASE consider volunteering for one of these upcoming open positions! Reach out to any of the officers to learn more about what they do if you want to learn moree,
See what’s in the night sky this month – NASA’s What’s in the Sky is an outstanding resource and part of our Night Sky Network to have with us for our use and needs.
Bookmark this site if you will. It’s got resources from text to YouTube for what’s in the night sky the current month – from NASA and of course your Night Sky Network!
Check out for a general list of observable objects/events in your area.
Mercury Eastern elongation March 8th. Setup the night before so a GoTo during the day is possible. Best chance to see Mercury is during the day. Evening sky in the evening in the Western sky. It’s 18.2° away from the Sun.
March 13/14th – A Total Lunar Eclipse for our area will occur. First contact is at 11:57 PM ET on March 13th. It ends with the Final Contact at 6 AM. Please post your images to the Photo section of the ASGH Groups.IO web resource.
Tickets are now on sale at for the North East Astronomy Forum & North East Astro Imaging Conference April 5 & 6 for NEAF. NEAIC is April 7 & 8 after NEAF for the 1st time due to timing with Good Friday. NEAF is in Suffern NY at Rockland Community College gymnasium and lecture hall. It is sponsored by the Rockland Astronomy Club. Ticket cost is now $39.00 for Saturday or Sunday or $70 for both days. Children under 12 are free with adult and Students – with ID are $15. You may purchase advance sale tickets at Advance sale tickets will be exchanged for arm bands at the door. Sorry, there are no exceptions to this rule.
J. Sillasen is also a member of the Rockland Astronomy Club and will be volunteering at NEAF both both days except during 2 hour lunch period where he can be found at the Springfield Telescope Makers booth. J. Sillasen is a Full Member of the Springfield Telescope Makers. As a RAC & ASGH member, NEAF leadership asked Sillasen if the ASGH had an interest in a NEAF Booth. The members in attendance discussed the appearance and felt that with our focus on the Greater Hartford catchment area for both membership and Outreach that hosting a booth would be of little value to us.
Texas Star Party is April 20 – 27.
Mercury Western Elongation April 27. 27.4° preceding the Sun in the Morning. High in the sky.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:29 PM.