When you look up on a clear crisp night, what do you see? Do you see a glittering canvas waiting to be explored? Does your mind reach up into the “wheel-work of the Universe”? Most of us remember our first look through a ‘real’ telescope. It may have been a look at the mountains and craters of the moon. Or perhaps it was the Great Orion Nebula, the birthplace of new stars. Or maybe it was Saturn, an almost unreal sight that always elicits an “oh, wow” in first-time viewers. Whatever it was, it started a passion that keeps bringing us back to the eyepiece.
Stargazing is a hobby that is best when it is shared with the community. ASGH has a vibrant outreach mission for that purpose. Every month that means working in concert with Wesleyan University to run public viewing nights – see Public Observing for details. It also means running our own public programs at other locations, for Scout Troops, libraries, schools, etc. Some regular events supported by ASGH members include:
- Southbury Historical Society, Southbury, CT
- Glastonbury-East Hartford Magnet School, Glastonbury, CT
- Shoreline Trolley Museum, East Haven, CT
- Talcott Mountain Science Center, Avon, CT
To discuss organizing an outreach event for your group, please contact our Public Outreach chairperson:
Chris Markiewicz