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Please visit NASA’s Solar System Exploration What’s Up videos site for an audio/video version of the Night Sky Network Partner Articles from recent to many in year’s past.  A monthly night sky observing highlights is also available.

All articles are posted with permission from Night Sky Network and the author(s).

Most Recent:

February, 2025

Feb 2025

By Dave Prosper, Updated by Kat Troche
Image Credit: NASA/ESA

December, 2024

Dec 2024

By Dave Prosper, Updated by Kat Troche
Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, SwRI, MSSS | Image processing by Kevin M. Gill, © CC BY

Older Articles:


Connecting the ‘Dots’ with Asterisms by Kat Troche
Constant Companions: Circumpolar Constellations, Part I by Kat Troche
Constant Companions: Circumpolar Constellations, Part II by Kat Troche
Participate in Eclipse Science by Kat Troche
Stargazing for Beginners by Kat Troche
Constant Companions: Circumpolar Constellations, Part III by Kat Troche
A Hero, a Crown, and Possibly a Nova! by Vivian White
Seeing Double by Kat Troche
Marvelous Moons by Kat Troche
Catch Andromeda Rising! by Dave Prosper, Updated by Kat Troche
Snowballs from Space by Kat Troche


Spot the Messenger: Observe Mercury by David Prosper
Spot the King of Planets: Observe Jupiter by David Prosper
Spot the Morning and Evening Star: Observe Venus by David Prosper
Solar Eclipses Are Coming! by David Prosper
Look Up in the Sky – It’s a Bird by Theresa Summer
Find A Ball of Stars – M55 by Linda Shore, Ed.D
Super Blue Sturgeon Moon by Vivian White
Looking Beyond The Stars by Brian Kruse
From Galileo to Clipper, Exploring Jupiter’s Moons by Vivian White
Spy the Seventh Planet, Uranus by Liz Kruesi
A Flame in the Sky – the Orion Nebula by Kat Troche


Hunting the Hunter: Observing Orion by David Prosper
Hang Out with the Twins of Gemini by David Prosper
Embracing the Equinox by David Prosper
Springtime Catspotting: Lynx and Leo Minor by David Prosper
Night Lights: Aurora, Noctilucent Clouds, and the Zodiacal Light by David Prosper
Solstice Shadows by David Prosper
Find Hercules and His Mighty Globular Clusters by David Prosper
Artemis 1: A Trip Around the Moon – and Back! by David Prosper
The Summer Triangle’s Hidden Treasures by David Prosper
Fomalhaut: Not So Lonely After All by David Prosper
Cepheus: A House Fit for a King by David Prosper
Binoculars: A Great First Telescope by David Prosper


Landing On Mars: A Tricky Feat! by David Prosper
Taking the Do Stars for a Springtime Walk: Sirius and Procyon! by David Prosper
Watch the Lion: Celestial Wonders in Leo by David Prosper
Virgo’s Galactic Harvest by David Prosper
Astrophotography With Your Smartphone by David Prosper
Observe the Milky Way and Great Rift by David Prosper
Corner the Great Square of Pegasus by David Prosper
Catch Andromeda Rising by David Prosper
Weird Ways to Observe the Moon by David Prosper
Measure The Night Sky by David Prosper
The James Webb Space Telescope: Ready for Launch! by David Prosper


Spot the Young Stars of the Hyades and Pleiades by David Prosper
Betelgeuse and the Crab Nebula: Stellar Death and Rebirth by David Prosper
Summer Triangle Corner: Vega by David Prosper and Vivian White
Mars’s Latest Visitor: NASA’s Perseverance Rover by David Prosper
Summer Triangle Corner: Deneb by David Prosper
Summer Triangle Corner: Altair by David Prosper
Observe the Skies Near Mars by David Prosper
The International Space Station: 20 Continuously Crewed Years of Operation by David Prosper
Visitors to Both Jupiter and Saturn by David Prosper


January’s Evening Eclipse and Morning Conjunctions by David Prosper
Hexagon at Night, Quartet in the Morning by David Prosper
Springtime Planet Party by David Prosper
Watching the Late Spring Skies by David Prosper
Jupiter Shines in June by David Prosper
Observe the Moon and Beyond: Apollo 11 at 50 by David Prosper
Spot the Stars of the Summer Triangle by David Prosper
The Orion Nebula: Window Into a Stellar Nursery by David Prosper


Sixty Years of Observing Our Earth by Teagan Wall
What Is the Ionosphere? by Linda Hermans-Killiam
Measuring the Movement of Water on Earth by Teagan Wall
What’s It Like Inside Mars? by Jessica Stoller-Conrad
What Is the Asteroid Belt? by Linda Hermans-Killiam
A Close-Up View of Mars by Jane Houston Jones and Jessica Stoller-Conrad
The Best Meteor Shower of the Year by Jane Houston Jones and Jessica Stoller-Conrad
A Trip Through the Milky Way by Jane Houston Jones and Jessica Stoller-Conrad
Observe the Moon by Jane Houston Jones and Jessica Stoller-Conrad
November’s Dance of the Planets by Jane Houston Jones and David Prosper
Observe Apollo 8’s Lunar Milestones by David Prosper


Comet Campaign: Amateurs Wanted by Marcus Woo
Solar Eclipse Provides Coronal Glimpse by Marcus Woo
What It’s Like on a TRAPPIST-1 Planet by Marcus Woo
NOAA’s Joint Polar Satellite System, (JPSS), to monitor Earth as never before by Dr. Ethan Siegal
The Fizzy Seas of Titan by Marcus Woo
The Shape of the Solar System by Marcus Woo
Twenty Years Ago on Mars… by Linda Hermans-Killiam
The 2017 Solar Eclipse Across America by Teagan Wall
Cassini Says Goodbye by Teagan Wall
Spooky in Space: NASA Images for Halloween by Linda Hermans-Killiam
Studying Storms from the Sky by Teagan Wall
Snowy Worlds Beyond Earth by Linda Hermans-Killiam


Hubble Shatters The Cosmic Record For Most Distant Galaxy by Dr. Ethan Siegal
NOAA’s Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) to revolutionize Earth-watching by Dr. Ethan Siegal
Hubble’s bubble lights up the interstellar rubble by Dr. Ethan Siegal


Blackholes by Dr. Ethan Siegal
The-G-in-GOES by Dr. Ethan Siegal
Highest Mountains Strongest Gravity by Dr. Ethan Siegal
On The Brightness Of Venus  by Dr. Ethan Siegal


Surprising Young Stars in the Oldest Places in the Universe by Dr. Ethan Siegal
A Two-Toned Wonder from the Saturnian Outskirts by Dr. Ethan Siegal
Old Tool, New Use: GPS and the Terrestrial Reference Frame by Alex H. Kasprak
Hottest Planet in the Solar System by Dr. Ethan Siegal
The Invisible Shield of Our Sun by Dr. Ethan Siegal
Where the Heavenliest of Showers Come From by Dr. Ethan Siegal


High Energy Spy by Dr. Martin C. Weisskopf
Inventing Astrophotography by Dr. Ethan Siegal
Size Does Matter, But So Does Dark Energy by Dr. Ethan Siegal
How to Hunt for your very own supernova by Dr. Ethan Siegal
The Big Picture: GOES-R and the Advanced Baseline Imager by Kieran Mulvaney